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Download game Angry Birds for the computer

Written By ةشء on الخميس، 12 ديسمبر 2013 | 5:42 ص

Download game Angry Birds for the computer
angry birds games
angry birds games
Download game intelligence game Angry Birds Angry Birds for free , which is intended for the personal computer , a copy of Rio RIO, the idea of ​​this new game is the revenge of the green pigs who stole the eggs of birds and destruction of the whole and the destruction of its facilities were totally demolished what you can destroy , the more destroyed facilities more whenever the referee you game points , the main objective is to kill the pigs green birds available , there are a number of species of birds , including the blue bird small and that after that fired if pressed again the mouse is divided into three birds in the air to destroy more , including red bird that if I threw it, and pressed the mouse accelerates like a rocket , including white bird that when you press the mouse button launches the egg bottom completely and is in the air and explode Aldh in place which descend in it, also here black bird that throw bombs that explode , causing considerable damage in plants green pigs , use energy angry birds to check all this and destroy all nothing , featuring game angry Birds design simple and beautiful , and its movements mimic nature movements going physicist thoughtful in terms of trends and defections , now download a demo version of this game and try it , the game is fun and 
entertaining to the extreme, because the carry

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